Jacob Venit Fine Art

I do art and am an art student.

Graduated from UAL Camberwell Foundation May 2024, progressing onto Painting and Printmaking at Glasgow School of Art.

contact: jacobcvenit@gmail.com

instagram: @venartt


they poisoned the water (2024)

how to blow up a pipeline (2023-2024)

doggerland (2023)

dominoes (2023)


bleigiessen (2022-2023)

ual showcase

This is my latest painting:


(click on the images for better quality versions)(low tech website to reduce energy use)


summer salon, candid arts trust (2024)

ual foundation diploma in art and design show, camberwell college of art (2024)

holocaust memorial day [extra]ordinary portraits, portcullis house and picadilly circus (2023)

young artists summer show, royal academy of arts (2021)

news about me:

Ham & High Article

Jewish News Article

website created 14/01/2024 / last updated 20/05/2024